>For her bouquet, Bety choose Hydreangeas, Roses (Safari, Circus, and Freedom), and gorgeous Yellow Oriental Lilies (that smelled divine!). I did it all up in a hand-tied arrangement with a base of chocolate satin ribbon, and a gorgeous two-toned silk wired ribbon in the French-Wrap style with pearl accents.
For the bridesmaids I used just one flower, red carnations. The effect was a stunning yet simple bouquet that smelled lovely! I used a shimmery light chocolate wired ribbon for the wrap.
Bety and Tony also had us create the Bridal Cake, about 250 cake balls (in leiu of a Groom's Cake), and a custom coffee-bar. With the problem of not having access to a kitchen, we took the huge silver coffee pots, filled them with bottled water, and an array of instant coffee, hot tea, instant cappucino, and a gorgeous tower of speciality cookies! For the coffee table I had various toppings, from chocolate powder right down to the miniature marshmallows for the hot chocolate. I think this may become one of our signature items, it was fun to do, and the guests really enjoyed having the treat. (this was a non-alcoholic wedding)
Bety's sons also treated us to a selection of their singing, they are pop stars in their native country of Panama. I recommend looking them up on youtube, Amor by Cesar y Thiago. I wish them luck in their future together, and can't wait for them to release a CD!!